Prepare for Your Exams Faster

Basic Tips
  1. nize training according to a clear plan(weeks, days, hours); if you sit down at the table with the vague goal of "doing a little work," you deprive yourself of an important incentive - a sense of accomplishment for the set goal;  
-   knowing your "golden watch" (you are a "lark" or "an owl"), outline what pace you will be doing during the up hours, and what - during the downs;
-   if you feel “not in the mood”, start classes with the most interesting subject or topic for you, this will help you get into working form;
-    when preparing for exams, it is useful to structure the material by drawing up plans, diagrams, and it is imperative to do this not in your mind, but on paper. Such fixation on paper is useful because when remembering, repeating "to oneself", recognition and real knowledge are mixed, and it is always easier to recognize than to remember. There is an impression of knowledge, and when it is necessary to retell it to others, to say it out loud, it disappears somewhere;
-   be sure to take short, but regular breaks: resting without waiting for fatigue is the best remedy for overwork; rest not mechanically, but at the end of preparation for the whole question;
-    Tell your mother, friend -anyonewhowants      to listen to the answers to the most difficult questions in full, in detail , and try to do it as required for the exams. It is very good to record the answer to the tape recorder, and then listen to yourself as if from the outside;
-    before the oral exam, it is good to try the answers to the most difficult questions to tell in front of a mirror (preferably one so that you can see yourself in full growth), paying attention to posture, gestures, facial expressions;
- do    without stimulants (coffee, strong tea, etc.): the nervous system before the exam and so on a platoon;
- In the   evening before the exam, you need to do any distraction: take a walk, take a swim, and sleep well at night, the last twelve hours should be spent on preparing not knowledge, but the body.


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