When you get your ticket, take your time.

When you get your ticket, take your time.
Here, too, has its own best tactics!
*   read the entire ticket to the end;
*   evaluate which item is easiest for you;
*   outline for yourself the sequence of solving points according to the principle from the easiest to the most difficult;
*   if the task turned out to be more difficult than you thought, go to the next one not earlier than a reasonable time, do not quit right away;
* keep track of the hours, the time allotted by you for each item.
 How to prepare physically and mentally
1. Perform daily exercises that help relieve internal stress, fatigue, and achieve relaxation.
2. What to do if your eyes are tired? During preparation for exams, the stress on the eyes increases. If the eyes are tired, then the body is tired too: it may not have enough strength to complete the examination task. You need to make your eyes rest. Do any two exercises:
- look alternately up and down (25 seconds), left-right (15 seconds); - write with your eyes your name, patronymic, surname;
- alternately fix your gaze on a distant object (20 seconds), then on a sheet of paper in front of you (20 seconds);
- draw a square, a triangle - first clockwise, then in the opposite direction.
3. The regime of the day. Divide the day into three parts:  
1)    prepare for exams;
2) go in for sports, walk in the fresh air, go to a disco, dance;
3) sleep at least 8 hours, if there is a desire and need, make yourself a quiet hour after lunch.
4. Nutrition. Meals should be 3-4 meals a day, high in calories and rich in vitamins. Eat walnuts, dairy products, fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, chocolate.  
5. A place to study. Organize your workspace properlyPlace objects or a picture in yellow or purple tones on the table, as these colours, increase intellectual activity.    
Some patterns of memorization
  1. If you do not repeat it within 1 hour, then 60% of the material is forgotten, and if within a day - 80%. After 3 days, almost everything is forgotten.
  2. The difficulty of memorization grows disproportionately to the volume. A large passage is more useful to teach than a short phrase.
  3. With the same work, the higher the degree of understanding, the greater the amount of memorized.
  4. Distributed learning is better than concentrated learning. Better to teach intermittently than in a row, better a little than at once.
  5. It is more efficient to spend more time on repetition from memory than on simple multiple reading.
  6. If you are working with two materials, one large and one smaller, it is wise to start with more.
  7. In a dream, a person does not remember, but he does not forget either.

Health support conditions
1. Alternate mental and physical labour.
2. In gymnastic exercises, preference should be given to somersault, candle, headstand, as the blood flow to the brain cells increases.
3. Protect your eyes, take a break every 20 - 30 minutes (take your eyes off the book, look into the distance).
4. A minimum of television broadcasts!


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